Whiskey is an easy to learn game hacking utility/software for linux, it uses wine for running windows games and a custom api using ptrace. Whiskey is designed for hacking windows games, but development for linux native games is planned.

Whiskey uses python for scripting, an example is…

$set_exe_path /home/tony/SortTheCourt.exe

$set_byte_order little_endian

$set_user tony

$set_process_name SortTheCourt.ex

$set_external_script { #you do your python scripting inside of here

address1 = hex_to_int ( input("Address >") ) 
address2 = hex_to_int ( input("Address 2>") ) 
address3 = hex_to_int ( input("Address 3>") )
address4 = hex_to_int ( input("Address 4>") )

print( read_32(address1) )

print( read_32(address2) )




With ptrace you can read and write to the cpu registers of the game, and change or read its syscalls. This provides a lower level access to the game that other software doesnt provide. It is also planned to add a internal scripting feature, so you could have a more lower level access to the game you are trying to hack.

The software will be released soon.